Leah Herman Coaching

"If you're looking for someone to guide you towards what’s truly important to you, to deeply identify the values, relationships and interactions you desire in life, Leah is the woman for you.

From the very first session I began to make new choices in how I want to engage with others. I've had a boost in my self-confidence, but more importantly, I retain energy that would have been drained in many situations. Now I can put that energy into more joyful things. It has been across the board benefits in my relationships - personal, professional, and even new interactions with new people.”

Melissa K.

Hi. I’m Leah.

I’m a triple-certified coach, New York trained actor, and a solo mom to a tween.

While I regularly coach on anything, here’s where my soft spots lie:

I coach clients on simplifying their relationships, their decisions, and their healthy, productive boundaries — and on how to do hard things —

— with themselves, their intimates, their family, friends, and coworkers, and the folks they meet throughout their day.

Stronger relationships across the board.

Clear, kind, healthy boundaries that make those relationships possible.

Simplifying decisions that support both.

And all of it supporting the times Life. Feels. Hard.

Less suffering.

More simplicity.

More ease, and peace.

Deepening capacity for joy, no matter what happens.

This is the same work I do with myself daily. What I learn, I bring here.

I have a wide range of clients. They’re people I love. My clients live in the US, Canada, and Eastern and Western Europe. They include parents, caretakers, and new college grads; performers and fine artists; teachers; small business owners and organizational leaders; and thoughtful people in search of healthier boundaries. What they all have in common is a desire to take their personal lives, relationships, and professional aspirations to new levels, to grow through the challenge with wisdom and grace they can carry forward, and to learn a new kind of boundaries that grow with them.

You can email me at leah@leahhermancoaching.com. I’d love to hear what brought you here.

I teach you two primary skills that support relationships, decisions, and the management of challenging (or downright hard) circumstances.

How to understand and manage your thoughts.

What healthy, kind boundaries are and how to cultivate them.

Our Thoughts are Our Most Powerful Tool

I’m on the subway in New York and a guy gets on with three kids.

They start to swing on the poles, knocking into people and making noise. I’m thinking, “Dude needs to control his children.” I’m irritated. I shoot looks in his direction. My insides feel knotted.

He turns to me and says, “We just came from the hospital. My kids watched their mother die. I don’t know what to do.” I think, “Oh my God,” and I’m flooded with empathy. I pass him a referral I know for loss support. Instead of knots inside I’m reminded of the people I love.

Same situation. Same people. Completely different reaction on my part. The only thing that has changed is what I think.

When we understand the power of our brains, the power of what we think, and we learn to choose our thoughts, everything begins to change.

Every relationship. Every decision. Every situation that feels complicated.

When this becomes a habit, what seemed impossible becomes doable.

Because here’s the gamechanger when we understand it….

We get to decide, intentionally, on purpose, which of our beliefs we want to invest in and which we want to discard.

Which take us where we want to go and which get in the way.

Always using our core values of how we want to show up in the world as a guide.

I teach people how to do this.

Specifically, so they can have deeper relationships where they want them.

Smoother relationships where they need them.

Simpler decisions to support them.

And healthy boundaries as the foundation.

Boundaries Are the Conditions Under Which We Can Thrive

Boundaries are like skin. They let in nutrients and keep out pathogens.

They are like muscles. They hold us up and are developed with use.

They are like a compass. They show us the direction we need to go.

They are like a buffet. We can choose which ones give us nutrition, energy, fortification and health.

We think boundaries are there to keep things out. And sometimes they are.

But even more, boundaries create a place for what we want to keep in.

Boundaries help us cultivate, nurture and grow what we care about.

I teach people how to identify the very personal values that allow all of this to happen.

I teach people how to use those values to create healthy, productive, kind boundaries.

What We Think + Productive, Kind Boundaries = Stronger Relationships, Growing Simplicity, New Productivity and Deepening Capacity for Joy

I take these two ways of thinking, and these two ways of working, and put them together.

I teach people how to know what is at play so they can take ownership of their futures in unprecedented ways.

I listen, I ask questions, I shine a light on what clients might not see and offer perspectives.

I am there to support them the entire way.

If you’d like to know more about the boundary work, click here for Boundaries Primer: Plant What you Care About, a companion I wrote for my conversation with Candice Miller on her Peace Project podcast. You can listen to the podcast here.

”It's truly a joy to work with Leah. I know she will put her laser focus on any issue I bring. Leah’s curiosity, intellectual excellence, and wicked skills shine a bright light on what’s happening in my mind and heart so we get to the kernel of truth and I can make better choices. And she’s fun, even though we're doing hard stuff. She has an incredible sense of humor. Thank you, Leah!”

Amanda Cisco, Blogger and Textile Artist

Working with Leah I learned to maneuver in the world more gracefully, with new joy, and with a different way of looking at things. I trust myself and am more confident. I make big decisions for my business with greater ease. Now it’s more about unfolding possibilities.”

Peggy Lauzon, CEO & Founder, Aberdeen Group

How I work

Thinking about working with me? 

I can’t wait to meet you.

If you know this is right and are ready to jump in, email me at leah@leahhermancoaching.com. We’ll schedule a Zoom meeting, talk about your goals, answer some questions, and get started.

If you’d like to know more, let’s spend an hour exploring what’s possible in a free consult.

All you need to do is show up. I’ll ask you questions to get to know more about who you are and what’s going on in your life.

By the end of our call you’ll have a picture of what working with me would look like for you, specifically. You’ll know more about yourself and what’s possible, with information you can take into your life.  

If you don’t see a time that works for you, email me at leah@leahhermancoaching.com. We’ll find one.


Work with me

Working with Leah I've changed my life entirely. I’ve learned how to let go of what I think a situation is supposed to be so I can deal with what is actually happening. Now when something happens, instead of measuring it as good or bad I can remain objective. Before Leah I might have emotionally overreacted and lost sight of what I was trying to accomplish. It makes me resilient, and that means I can give in to things I want even when I don’t know how it’ll end up. Leah helps people see themselves and unlock the capabilities they've always had. It's very cool.”

David Mohr, LA Actor

“I like to listen to Elizabeth Gilbert’s talks because I learn so much. Leah is my personal Elizabeth Gilbert.”

Sora Baek, Award winning actress, playwright and producer